
My pack of 5 keep me grounded, remind me that life was meant to be simple and that indeed love is truely unconditional. Permit me to share some of that with you....

Well, it's April 8th, 2008 and I finally have the bones of my doggy blog set up!! Pun intended. I'm so proud! Blogger.com is great! I'll be blogging about my pack of five shepherd mixes, animal stories and sharing some of my travels. If you would like to learn more about the pack check out my website http://devettos.googlepages.com/home.

The Rainforest Site

Monday, April 14, 2008

Oh-oh! Rebel's got a boo boo!!! --- (caution, graphic photos included)

Welcome back. May you be blessed toady!

Rebel has been scratching like his father. Over the weekend we discovered a raw patch on his side where he pulled out his shaggy fur and created a sore. ..... and he just recently had a bath!!!

This is a high potential screw worm infection. Glad we caught it early. The sore was cleaned with alcohol (ouch!) and dressed with a little screw worm powder to keep the dreaded flies away. The dressing was not without slight protest (or play?)
and the resulting controlling muzzle. But he behaved well enough that I could take a photo. He is now “under observation” on the veranda.

Last time Rebel did this we never saw the cut till it was infected with the screw worms as it was hidden under his armpit. We only saw it one day while he was romping and rolling over. That episode required a visit and boarding for a few days at the vet. In those early days of Rebel's adoption, he was quite wild and unruly and we were unable to calm him down long enough for dressing. So he had to be sedated etc. by the vet. It ended up being quite a costly affair!

Our lesson - prevention is better than cure. Now we have to observe Rebel and Zeeks for excessive scratching, inspect their coats frequently for sores.....and keep the root causes, ticks mostly, at bay as much as possible. The screw worm powder is also a must as wet areas on the skin like that is an ideal surface for the screw worm flies to lay.

Thanks for visiting and hope to see you again!


Southern Comfort said...

Love your blog. I too have 5 dogs. All mutts and rescues except for our pom. We'll have to exchange home remedies for doggie ailments! I try to use only all natural remedies for our dogs and use as little medication as possible. Good luck!


tevystabb said...

Thanks Southern Comfort! Yes let's keep in touch. HELP! Any natural remedies for getting rid of ticks? UGGGH!!!

The Animal Rescue Site