
My pack of 5 keep me grounded, remind me that life was meant to be simple and that indeed love is truely unconditional. Permit me to share some of that with you....

Well, it's April 8th, 2008 and I finally have the bones of my doggy blog set up!! Pun intended. I'm so proud! Blogger.com is great! I'll be blogging about my pack of five shepherd mixes, animal stories and sharing some of my travels. If you would like to learn more about the pack check out my website http://devettos.googlepages.com/home.

The Rainforest Site

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hello and Seasons Greetings! Hope you had a fantastic Christmas season filled with the joy and blessings of the Christ-child.

Wow! I cannot believe 5 months have passed!!! So much has happened in such a short time.....

Jamaica made history with a medal sweep in athletics at the 2008 Olympics with Ussain Bolt the new local hero. We also lost some great artistes and musicians including the legendary rock steady singer Alton Ellis and soca giant Byron Lee.

We've managed to survive this year's hurricane season with only one close encounter with Gustav.

Closer to home Rebel and/or Zeeks are soon to be daddies...they were asked to father a litter with a neighbour's black Labrador retriever called "Puppy". Rebel's first such encounter was quite an event....we had to let Zeeks, the Casanova, take over...just in case... We are now looking forward to our pick of the litter, who unfortunately will not be staying with us to make the 5-Pack a 6-Pack.

Pic: Zeeks with Puppy

Queenie got another ear infection - 2 months of ear drops and an antibiotic cream and she is OK again.

Noah returned for a day.

Tunda chased a passer-by dog down the road out of sight while I was driving in one day. I can only imagine what transpired ... he came back on his own walking with a slight limp. He's Ok though.

One of our neighbours dogs unfortunately had yet another litter of mutts that strayed into another neighbour's yard and were snuffed out by their dog Taurus. A sad state of affairs.....

Jiggy is now socialised and holding her own with Rebel as they take their turn together around the back yard. She was scared stiff of him at first as he is so rough! But with a bit of encouragement from Pack Leader, Rebel has calmed down significantly!

Pack leader has been happily working on his DIY green energy project and hopes to complete commissioning come January. One third of the house, including my office, will be on solar power !
As for me...a new business venture has been keeping me busy. My Blog entries here will therefore not be quite as frequent.

I'm looking forward to a great 2009 (a year for the K9s! pun intended). It will prove to be a nice little challenge given the world economic crisis. Let us all take one day at a time and have faith that all is well. We have an opportunity to self-correct in many ways. I wish you and your families all the very best.
For now from the 5-Pack and all of us here in Jamaica .....


The Animal Rescue Site