
My pack of 5 keep me grounded, remind me that life was meant to be simple and that indeed love is truely unconditional. Permit me to share some of that with you....

Well, it's April 8th, 2008 and I finally have the bones of my doggy blog set up!! Pun intended. I'm so proud! Blogger.com is great! I'll be blogging about my pack of five shepherd mixes, animal stories and sharing some of my travels. If you would like to learn more about the pack check out my website http://devettos.googlepages.com/home.

The Rainforest Site

Thursday, June 26, 2008

It's Summer in Jamaica

Yes.....summer is here in Jamaica! We are a tropical island but we do experience subtle climate changes during summer and winter. So summer is here and it is HOT, HOT, HOT!!

With the summer comes the hurricane season, officially running from June 1 to November 30. We hope and pray that none come our way this year!

Schools go on holidays, just as well because it must be difficult to control and keep the attention of those little minds in this heat! And on top of the heat, the mosquitoes also increase in numbers. Oh so annoying!

Those pesky ticks begin to rear their heads and multiply! The dogs shed their coats again either to relieve themselves of the heat or because of excess itching from the ticks. As a result more frequent baths become a necessity and the perfect excuse for me to get wet and get some relief from the heat.

The plums are gone but along comes mango season!...and guess who's loving it? Yup, the Five-Pack are having their fill of mangoes from our blackie mango tree. Now laden with mangoes, the dogs feast on the bounty, sometimes spoiling their appetites.

They love mangoes and have learned to find the good ones on the ground and eat them with some amount of skill. Here is Queenie caught one day enjoying her morning mango.

Along with multitude of mangoes of every shape and variety come many other tropical fruit that are also in season in Jamaica. Summer time is a lovely, lazy, fruit-filled time in the tropics. How lucky we are to have sun, sand, sea, rhythm and music to enjoy it even more!

Till next time God bless and thanks for visiting. Do come again!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Five-Pack's Father's Day tribute

Yesterday was Father's day and I would like to take the opportunity to wish many, many blessings, courage & strength to all fathers and father figures around the world and in the blogosphere.

You all have a very important role to play. You are helping to shape the values of your "children" and our society as a whole. Thank you to those who are trying to play it well.

Today we would like to honour one of the fathers of the Five-Pack who passed on earlier this year. He was Admiral, father of Zeeks, grandfather of Queenie & Rebel, great grandfather of Jiggy. He was greatly loved by his humans and we honour his memory.

Here is a picture of Admiral. According to his owner, he was a "beloved Belgium/German friend of 13 devoted years (May 1995 to Feb 2008) of service.......Admiral was a faithful fellow, caring, obedient (most of the time) and always the protector. We miss him so much its hard to explain." Admiral, your memory lives on through the Five-Pack.

Till next time, thanks for stopping by. Blessings and do come again.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Animals That Adopt Other Species As Thier Own

I Thought I'd share this interesting digg story with you courtesy http://www.divinecaroline.com

Lions take care of baby antelopes; baboons befriend chickens. Within the animal kingdom, there have been several examples of animals bonding with others outside their own species.

read more digg story

Monday, June 9, 2008

A brilliant "Green idea" from Zeeks

With all the talk of global warming and climate change, our thinking dog Zeeks has come up with a "Green idea" for a environmentally friendly product.

I don't know what caused him to come up with this new thing. Maybe it is greed, maybe frustration. But Zeeks seems to have developed an after breakfast style of urinating in the dog plates.....and with perfect aim too. He collected quite a few oz. of the yellow fluid in two of the plates the other day!

Zeeks :"OMG finished already!" while Jiggy is still at it.

Tunda guards breakfast from Queenie

I didn't see who actually did it, but PL said "that sounds like something Zeeks would do". Maybe just to distract the others so he could get a bite out of their food, or to mark the plates so the others think they all belong to him. He's done similar things in the past.

Rebel patiently waits for breakfast ....Gooood booooy!

At first I was annoyed and quickly washed out the plates dashing the contents int the nearby shrubs. But then it hit me. What a great idea Zeeks! Dog piss is a great fertiliser, and it's free, no processing needed, just add water and apply! Why not retrieve and package Zeeks' collection for use in the garden. Now I'm encouraging him to do it.

So look out for it, coming soon to your nearest plant shop "Zeeks' Wonder Water plant food".

Blessings to you and do come again!

Monday, June 2, 2008

What have we done ?!! ...Tasmanian Devils May Face Extinction within 15 Years

The world’s most famous marsupial predator may face extinction within 15 years from a contagious cancer!!!! read more

Good morning and blessings to you !!

The Five -Pack is fine but sadly Taz is not. I came across this story and thought I'd share my thoughts with you.

It appears we humans have messed up again! For everything we do to our environment we must carefully think through the risks and the likely outcomes. Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't they say the Forestry Department poisoned the Tasmanian devil's source of food ? Mind you, it may have been with all good intentions, let's give them the benefit of the doubt. Hindsight is a hell-of-a-thing. But no wonder the poor devils are now ravaged by cancer and are facing extinction!

As a species, we've got to stop disrupting critical ecosystems all around the world. As individuals we should also be aware of the toxins in our environment, the harmful effects to human health and take precautions to stay as toxin free as possible.

Help take care of our environment, our ecosystems and preserve our cleansing rain forests today.

The Animal Rescue Site